Title: Simply Worship 2 - Listening CD
Subtitle: 12 Easy-to-Learn Arrangements of Maranatha! Music Classics
Release date: June 2004
Listening CD
Arranged by Robert Sterling, Gary Rhodes, Dave Williamson, and Camp Kirkland.
Voicing: SATB
Simply Worship 2 contains 12 of Maranatha! Music's most beloved worship songs. the scripture-inspired songs are easy to learn, and flexible for even the smallest choir. The vocal parts of Simply Worship 2 are designed following specific guidelines that create sensible SATB, unison and two-part arrangements of these powerful worship songs. You'll find ranges that are comfortable for every voice part and rhythms that have been simplified when necessary. No section requires a soloist, but some optional sections are marked for ministries that prefer to feature their solo singers.
Whether you're looking for easy, accessible material for a smaller choir or music that can be learned quickly for a larger choir, Simply Worship 2 provides the solution and will aide your music ministry in simply worshipping Him.
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