Title: Shout To The Lord - Special Edition
Subtitle: Integrity Music & Time Life Music
Release date: March 2007
The Songs4Worship album series has sold more than 9 million units since its debut in 2000 with
much of its success due to a highly visible television advertising campaign. The first release in the
series, Shout To The Lord, has become the best selling worship album of all time with mroe than
2 million double CD sets sold.
Now this project is being re-released into the market as a Special Edition with a BONUS CD that
includes popular songs by Paul Baloche, Israel & New Breed, Don Moen, and more. A new
massive television marketing campaign for this new special edition will start at the project's release,
which should energize consumer interest and demand.
CD 42052 (code) 000768420522 (upc) Buy NOW |