Title: Shout Praises Kids: 52 Kids Worship Curriculum
Subtitle: Kids Worship For All Year Round!
Release date: January 2008
A comprehensive 52-week, 6-disc curriculum for kids worship
SPK 52 brings together the best of the Shout Praises Kids series and the result is an amazing comprehensive 52-week curriculum that's sure to get your kids excited about worship.
SPK 52 is a 400 page curriculum in PDF format with lessons consisting of suggested song sets, scripture memory, a drama, a Bible lesson, a Bible story, and scripted discussion points for each week.
Also included is listening and split trax audio for one new song every other week. Support material for each new song includes sheet music in PDF format, PowerPoint lyrics files, and a choreography demonstration video (available for 14 of the songs, suitable for use in service or a MPEG videos file (with an option between full stereo listening version, or split trax audio).
This package consists of: 4 enhanced audio CDs (divided by the quarter in the year in which they are to be used) with curriculum PDFs and both stereo and split track versions of at least 6 songs1 Shout Praises Kids Video MPEG DVD-ROM with 12 videos1- 14 song choreography tutorial DVD-ROM
Each quarterly audio CD is enhanced with:- Curriculum including Bible lesson, scripture memory verse, skit, song story, activity sheet, order or worship & more in .PDF format
- Sheet music in .PDF format for all songs
- PowerPoint lyrics for all songs
Musician Resources 42450 (code) 000768424506 (upc) Buy NOW |