Title: Pilgrimage: A Collection Of Favorites - Buddy Greene - Double CD
Subtitle: Spring Hill Music Group
Release date: December 2003
Containing more than 30 songs, Pilgrimage: A Collection of Favorites is a 2-CD set which highlights the talent and diversity of Buddy Greene. Long known for his world-class virtuosity on the harmonica, Buddy Greene is an in-demand session player for some of the industry's top recording artists. Pilgrimage: A Collection of Favorites also showcases Buddy's talents as a fine guitarist, songwriter and singer.
This 30+ song, 2-CD set is an enticing rendering of traditional American influences, from country to bluegrass, to folk, Gospel and traditional blues. Buddy Greene is probably most well-known for his multi-format hit 'Mary, Did You Know?,' which he co-wrote with Mark Lowry. Buddy is also featured regularly on multiple Gaither Homecoming videos and concerts.
As you journey with Buddy Greene through the songs on Pilgrimage, you'll find yourself drawn into a familiar and comfortable place as you experience the melodies, the touching stories and the poignant lyrics that are layered with a combination of country, bluegrass, R&B and 'roots' music.
CD CMD1053 (code) 789042105323 (upc) Buy NOW |