Title: F.U.N. Method - Billy Christopher - DVD
Subtitle: Learn to play the piano in less than an hour!
F - Fast U - Understandable N - NaturalYes, Billy will teach you to play in under an hour! - Accompany yourself with chords
- Beginner to advanced
- No experience necessary
- Basic to complex chords
- Simple & easy formula to remember
Billy Christopher -- published composer, vocalist, multi-instrumentalist -- has taught hundreds of people to play even the most complex piano/keyboard chords. In under an hour you will learn to play chords that others learn only after several years of classical instruction.Running time: 48 minutes.
Select a highlighted song title below to audition a video clip of that song. If you do not already have RealAudio or RealOne, download RealOne (a free version is available) to listen to the sample clips. The clips are also available in Windows Media format. Download the Windows Media player. DVD Sample Clip [ Windows Media | Realplayer ]
DVD BC-FUNDVD (code) 829757577098 (upc) Buy NOW |