Title: Experience Perfect Love - Live Worship
Subtitle: Metro One Music
This exciting new release was recorded live from the Summer In The Son youth conference in Kentucky 1998. It features renowned worship leader and songwriter Chris Lizotte. Chris is known for leading worship for such events as Ohio Teens for Christ, Indiana Teens for Christ, The National Youth Leaders Convention, Promise Keepers, Campus Crusade as well as many other events across the Nation and Europe. Chris also leads a band for Maranatha Music! called the Late, Late Service. He has written songs for Maranatha Music!, Vineyard Music and Crystal Lewis. This release will surely be a must have for those who have experienced an event with this band and a great surprise for those who haven't. There will be guitar chords over the lyrics and the CD will be enhanced with the entire Bible as well as artist screen saver and a music video.
 CD MOD8184 (code) 074948818423 (upc) Buy NOW |