Title: Dwell - SATB Choral Songbook
Subtitle: New Songs for Worship and Ministry
Release date: December 2005
SATB Choral Songbook a choral book that contains vocal arrangements and piano score.
Arranged & Orchestrated by Robert Sterling.
Voicing: SATB
Ten new and emerging worship songs from Vineyard Music.
The biblical admonition to "sing a new song to the Lord" challenges us to continually and creatively reinvent our offerings of praise. In the church today, we are blessed with songwriters who are committed to this task, writing songs that both lift our spirits and express our commitment to the cause of Christ. Robert Sterling has researched and identified ten up-and-coming worship songs from Vineyard Music, WorshipTogether, and other publishers that are biblically sound, emotionally moving, and well-crafted expressions of praise. The result is Dwell: a collection packed with ministry messages ready to plug in to worship services of all kinds.
Robert's extensive experience both writing for church musicians and working in music production allowed him to craft a collection that preserves the character of the original recordings of these songs, but at the same time arranges them in a manner that allows your volunteer singers and players to have a successful experience. Instead of creating a comprehensive orchestration, the instrumental parts that accompany Dwell are rhythm-centric, edited by real players with your church's rhythm players in mind, and allowing churches of every size to use these arrangements in a completely live setting.
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